Streamlined processes and strategic distribution centers.

Throughout DSS’ 24-year history, responding to customers’ needs has always been a priority. Many organizations have this ethos, but not many go to the lengths the Houston-based scaffolding specialist has.

The DSS name has become synonymous with delivering quality products with low lead times. “The majority of our customers’ needs are project based. These projects have strict and tight timelines and any disruption to material supply can delay projects, which can significantly impact on our customers’ costs. It is our job to ensure our customers can deliver on the promises they have made to their customers,” DSS International General Manager, Jerry Fuentes said.

The company has several initiatives in place to ensure that fast delivery of the products required by customers is always in place. It has invested in the strategic creation and placement of distribution centers that bring DSS closer to its customers.

“We have also expanded our product offering and inventory levels to satisfy the demands of our customers. Our specific promise to our customers is imbedded in our mission: Driven to be an integral part of the equipment that builds the world. Setting the standard for Safety, Quality, Service and Performance, To Support our customers, colleagues and team members in everything they do,” Jerry said.

DSS also created its own logistics company. GSD Logistics was created to manage and develop relationships with the freight carrier lines, that allow DSS to secure the space and prices that allow the company to deliver inventory at competitive prices without disruption. GSD also plays a vital role in ensuring the DSS Canada office and team is ready to meet the needs of its customers.

Business Development Manager Jake Dancey is based at the Canada office and looks after Canadian clients. “GSD Logistics and its role with importing material into Canada adds an advantage to our lead time. They are dedicated to maintaining relationships with freight carriers which helps keep material flowing into Canada steadily,” Jake said.

For more information about how DSS ensures it delivers on time, every time, please contact sales@dss.net